Friday, December 22, 2017

Well, where to begin? I thought of writing No words! and calling it a day as far as this post goes because that is exactly how I feel. How does one put into words an experience like the one we had at an old dairy barn in Tennessee, practically out in the middle of nowhere?  But then again, it simply wouldn't be right to not go into detail.  The David Phelps Christmas Barn Bash was surreal. We laughed, we cried, we... sat on Santa's knee??  Mom?! Yes, folks. You just read that right. My mother was up on that stage in the spot light on Santa's knee.  Do wonders ever cease??  Let's begin from the beginning!

My mom, Kayla, and I took off Thanksgiving morning and landed that evening in Nashville. Nashville. Home of the Grand Ol' Opry and so many things music! It was hard to believe we were there, and even harder to believe that we were actually going to the Phelps Farm! (Truth be told, I think it still hasn't truly registered.)

When we pulled up that following night and started walking through the long, soft grass towards that rustic barn lined with a string of lights, we passed through those doors into a realm that seemed to bring life to even the old beams themselves.  The atmosphere merely sparkled in every sense of the word. 

Taking in the beautiful decor, quaint little stands, and wooden shelving with homemade items, we walked around a little before finding our seats. Then, the lights dimmed and everything went dark.

As we sat there in the darkness, suddenly a spot light appeared and there stood Kari, David's sister. She played a trumpet solo, with the choir and other musicians gradually joining in from their places on stage.

 And then...

From the minute David stepped onto stage until the last clap was heard, we were pretty much floating... and still are! It was UNREAL. Everything. Even the job they did with the lighting was some of the best I've ever seen!

The concerts were about 3 hours all told, and David sang traditional Christmas songs (each with a David spin), as well as his own originals.

He sang a duet with each of his girls, Callie and Maggie Beth, who (along with Charlotte) also sang back-up throughout the concerts. It's fun because the girls are so different from the other vocally. As my mom said, Callie is more of a good 'country singer', while Maggie Beth is definitely more classical. She is incredibly gifted. It'll be fun to see where both girls go musically! All of his kids, for that matter. Given their father, I'm convinced they've got music notes as DNA! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Maggie Beth & David

Callie & David

David put together a fantastic ensemble where he and all the singers and musicians lined up and did an A cappella rendition of  Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I thought my days of hearing that song were over because I'd gotten so sick of it... but then I heard this arrangement and my weariness was lifted. I'm a fan!

There was a quartet which consisted of David, Charlotte, Kari, and Jack, his pianist. (Jack also pretty much plays whatever other instrument David needs at any given time!) They sang O Little Town of Bethlehem. Wow.

Charlotte Ritchie and her husband, Greg (the drummer), travel with David when they're not with the Gaithers. She sang a few of her songs, including the Revelation Song. Beautiful! You could just feel the Spirit come right into that barn.

David also sang The Little Drummer Boy while playing a drum.  Double wow!  At one point in the song he was somewhat overcome and the beating of the drum took on a whole new sound... That song will never be the same.

Some more pictures from the concerts:

David, Maggie Beth, Charlotte, Callie, and Jack

*~*A few fun concert happenings*~*

Santa Claus, Get Well Soon is a song David wrote a few years back. It's silly, but it's also hilarious and would not be an easy song to 'pull off'. Anyways, he recently put the song into book format and informed the audience by saying, "Interestingly enough, we happen to have some in the back for sale!" ๐Ÿ˜„


Right before intermission, David had Lori come on stage and they went over some items that were being sold in the back from the different artists, which included homemade jellies from Jack and his wife, as well as quilts and other goodies. He also talked about a wonderful cause in which the attending Santa was involved, helping to feed the poor in the area. When he was done explaining, he encouraged us all to go meet Santa and 'shake his neck'. There was an outburst of laughter, including one on stage from a red-faced David. Both he and Lori had to turn away because they were laughing so hard. Jack didn't help matters when he spoke up from the piano and said that he actually would like to shake Santa's neck because of all the money he's cost him! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Speaking of Santa, they put a big white chair up on stage during the intermission and anyone who wanted a picture with him could get in line.  My mom, Kayla and I decided we would do just that. Why not, right? So we get up there and were trying to decide how to stand around him when Santa zeroed in on my mom.  He insisted that she was to sit on his knee.  My mom declined politely and said no.  Apparently, you don't tell Santa no because he reached his be-gloved hand to where my mom was standing and literally pulled her forward. I, in the meantime, was motioning to Kayla for her to sit there instead, then volunteered myself to be the one. Nope. He wasn't having it. Mom it was who wound up on Santa's knee, right smack dab center stage, spotlight and all. Kayla and I leaned in on either side and flash, it was recorded! No denying it. I later told my dad that he's got competition in Tennessee... Well, the North Pole, as far as that goes! ๐Ÿ˜‰


There was a concert Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and we went to each and every one. And while David did the same songs nightly, the concerts were different. So different! Each one had its own feel and the Spirit showed up in a unique way every night.  It was amazing! And Lovely. And Wonderful. A little bit of Heaven.


They had a live manger scene just outside of the barn.  There was a cow there that completely stole our hearts. She was such a pretty little thing and just as sweet... and did she ever like Kayla! The feeling, as you can see, was rather mutual.

While there is so much more to say about that blissful time, this hopefully gives you a glimpse into what we were so blessed to experience.

Thanks, Dad, for this incredible, unforgettable gift. ๐Ÿ’š

Until next time,
Mizz Babs

1 comment:

  1. Heidi! I read this when it first was published and just read again tonight. Love it, you write so hilariously and these pictures are perfect, I almost feel like I went! What a treat, and talk about a dream come true for David, this perfect concert in a barn! The lighting did look like the perfect accent to the family and friends singing there. Did David's wife sing at all? Really enjoyed the Santa story too! :)

    -Katie *hug*
