Thursday, November 15, 2018

Rocklin Concert

Well, I just lost all that I had written thus far... and that was AFTER saving it a few times! Grr! Ah, well. If at first you don't succeed... I was telling you all about the Big Voice Tour concert my mom and I attended in September before it got 'deleted'.  I will proceed, although this will be more of a slam-bam job than anything because the dinner hour is drawing near! I apologize in advance for any blunders. 😏

I can tell you one thing: Cana's Voice has a new fan. ME. They are the perfect blend with fantastic songs and good stage presence.  And Taranda can sang!

A little about the group: Doug, on the left, was with Ernie Haase and Signature Sound. Taranda used to be married to Kim Hopper's brother, Tony Greene, and he passed in 2010 due to health complications. She got remarried 2 years ago to ICM Concerts president, Landon Beene… And her name is now Taranda Greene-Beene. 😊 My mom and I spoke to him briefly and he seems like the nicest guy. Anyways, HE is the mastermind behind this group. And Jody is on the right. He used to be with Avalon, if I remember correctly. They are one terrific trio!

The concert began with David Phelps and Cana's Voice singing Virtuoso.

Then Cana's voice took the first half of the concert. There were definitely some moving moments with a good balance of a bit of fun thrown in there! Geron Davis, who is on several Gaither DVDs, is their pianist, and that can ONLY add to any song. (By the way, he wrote Holy Ground!)

David then came on stage with his girls and Charlotte backing him. They did a good combination of both old and new, one of the new being a David arrangement of Amazing Grace. I still can't wrap my mind around it. Unreal. Definitely of another world.

He also did a duet with each of his daughters, and that Maggie Beth only gets better and better. Never tire of hearing her! 

Then Charlotte got some stage time. David said he listens to her new CD all the time, that it's never out of his car's CD player... and happened to add that his CD player is broken. 

The last part of the concert consisted of all of them singing some of my favorite songs and I was not complaining! The Love of God, I Love the Lord, and Total Praise. Talk about a Swoon Special! 

So, with that bringing the concert to a close, I merely floated out of there... That was one concert for the books, for sure. If ever they're in your area, GO.

Music expresses that which cannot be said, and on which it is impossible to be silent.
-Victor Hugo

Until next time,
Mizz Babs

Friday, December 22, 2017

Well, where to begin? I thought of writing No words! and calling it a day as far as this post goes because that is exactly how I feel. How does one put into words an experience like the one we had at an old dairy barn in Tennessee, practically out in the middle of nowhere?  But then again, it simply wouldn't be right to not go into detail.  The David Phelps Christmas Barn Bash was surreal. We laughed, we cried, we... sat on Santa's knee??  Mom?! Yes, folks. You just read that right. My mother was up on that stage in the spot light on Santa's knee.  Do wonders ever cease??  Let's begin from the beginning!

My mom, Kayla, and I took off Thanksgiving morning and landed that evening in Nashville. Nashville. Home of the Grand Ol' Opry and so many things music! It was hard to believe we were there, and even harder to believe that we were actually going to the Phelps Farm! (Truth be told, I think it still hasn't truly registered.)

When we pulled up that following night and started walking through the long, soft grass towards that rustic barn lined with a string of lights, we passed through those doors into a realm that seemed to bring life to even the old beams themselves.  The atmosphere merely sparkled in every sense of the word. 

Taking in the beautiful decor, quaint little stands, and wooden shelving with homemade items, we walked around a little before finding our seats. Then, the lights dimmed and everything went dark.

As we sat there in the darkness, suddenly a spot light appeared and there stood Kari, David's sister. She played a trumpet solo, with the choir and other musicians gradually joining in from their places on stage.

 And then...

From the minute David stepped onto stage until the last clap was heard, we were pretty much floating... and still are! It was UNREAL. Everything. Even the job they did with the lighting was some of the best I've ever seen!

The concerts were about 3 hours all told, and David sang traditional Christmas songs (each with a David spin), as well as his own originals.

He sang a duet with each of his girls, Callie and Maggie Beth, who (along with Charlotte) also sang back-up throughout the concerts. It's fun because the girls are so different from the other vocally. As my mom said, Callie is more of a good 'country singer', while Maggie Beth is definitely more classical. She is incredibly gifted. It'll be fun to see where both girls go musically! All of his kids, for that matter. Given their father, I'm convinced they've got music notes as DNA! 😊

Maggie Beth & David

Callie & David

David put together a fantastic ensemble where he and all the singers and musicians lined up and did an A cappella rendition of  Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I thought my days of hearing that song were over because I'd gotten so sick of it... but then I heard this arrangement and my weariness was lifted. I'm a fan!

There was a quartet which consisted of David, Charlotte, Kari, and Jack, his pianist. (Jack also pretty much plays whatever other instrument David needs at any given time!) They sang O Little Town of Bethlehem. Wow.

Charlotte Ritchie and her husband, Greg (the drummer), travel with David when they're not with the Gaithers. She sang a few of her songs, including the Revelation Song. Beautiful! You could just feel the Spirit come right into that barn.

David also sang The Little Drummer Boy while playing a drum.  Double wow!  At one point in the song he was somewhat overcome and the beating of the drum took on a whole new sound... That song will never be the same.

Some more pictures from the concerts:

David, Maggie Beth, Charlotte, Callie, and Jack

*~*A few fun concert happenings*~*

Santa Claus, Get Well Soon is a song David wrote a few years back. It's silly, but it's also hilarious and would not be an easy song to 'pull off'. Anyways, he recently put the song into book format and informed the audience by saying, "Interestingly enough, we happen to have some in the back for sale!" 😄


Right before intermission, David had Lori come on stage and they went over some items that were being sold in the back from the different artists, which included homemade jellies from Jack and his wife, as well as quilts and other goodies. He also talked about a wonderful cause in which the attending Santa was involved, helping to feed the poor in the area. When he was done explaining, he encouraged us all to go meet Santa and 'shake his neck'. There was an outburst of laughter, including one on stage from a red-faced David. Both he and Lori had to turn away because they were laughing so hard. Jack didn't help matters when he spoke up from the piano and said that he actually would like to shake Santa's neck because of all the money he's cost him! 😊


Speaking of Santa, they put a big white chair up on stage during the intermission and anyone who wanted a picture with him could get in line.  My mom, Kayla and I decided we would do just that. Why not, right? So we get up there and were trying to decide how to stand around him when Santa zeroed in on my mom.  He insisted that she was to sit on his knee.  My mom declined politely and said no.  Apparently, you don't tell Santa no because he reached his be-gloved hand to where my mom was standing and literally pulled her forward. I, in the meantime, was motioning to Kayla for her to sit there instead, then volunteered myself to be the one. Nope. He wasn't having it. Mom it was who wound up on Santa's knee, right smack dab center stage, spotlight and all. Kayla and I leaned in on either side and flash, it was recorded! No denying it. I later told my dad that he's got competition in Tennessee... Well, the North Pole, as far as that goes! 😉


There was a concert Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and we went to each and every one. And while David did the same songs nightly, the concerts were different. So different! Each one had its own feel and the Spirit showed up in a unique way every night.  It was amazing! And Lovely. And Wonderful. A little bit of Heaven.


They had a live manger scene just outside of the barn.  There was a cow there that completely stole our hearts. She was such a pretty little thing and just as sweet... and did she ever like Kayla! The feeling, as you can see, was rather mutual.

While there is so much more to say about that blissful time, this hopefully gives you a glimpse into what we were so blessed to experience.

Thanks, Dad, for this incredible, unforgettable gift. 💚

Until next time,
Mizz Babs

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Good morning from the Mariposa mountains! The summer light has shifted, a breeze has come, and a few leaves are taking on an orange glow... It's fall, y'all, and I am not complaining! I'm looking forward to completing the few touches of fall decor at our house by picking up a pumpkin or two today when I'm in town.  Gotta have those cuties on the front porch to officially declare that a new season has indeed arrived! Throw on a scarf and start sipping lattes! 🎃

There's an upcoming CD release and a concert or two passing our way come October. Being that we've only got a few days left of September, I figured we would all be better off if I would stop thinking about sending off an informative blog and actually do it!

For starters, the Collingsworth Family is headed west and working their way up the coast!  The dates and times are listed below. By the way, were you to attend one of their concerts, you'll probably get to meet the newest member: Winston James Blair. Brooklyn's now got two kiddos! He's a cutie and appears to have some red in his hair, much to his red-haired Aunt Olivia's delight, I'm sure!

Oct 6, 2017Tucson, AZEast Side Assembly PM
Oct 7, 2017Riverside, CAMagnolia Baptist ChurchLandon Beene/IMC Concerts LLC800-965-9324 or PM
Oct 8, 2017Sun City West, AZChurch On The GreenLoren Gerdes623-546-6386 or PM
Oct 11, 2017Modesto, CABig Valley Grace ChurchScott Butler209-577-16046:30 PM
Oct 12, 2017Roseville, CAPleasant Grove Community ChurchLois Coady916-771-44476:30 PM
Oct 13, 2017Red Bluff, CAHigh Point Assembly of GodCarla Fultz530-200-06156:30 PM
Oct 14, 2017Vancouver, WAVancouver First Church of GodLandon Beene/IMC Concerts LLC423-239-5463 or;5:00 PM

The Gaither Vocal Band has recorded a new CD that is due to be released on October 13th.  Based on the two songs that I've heard so far, it seems like a rather promising record! One of the songs, Chain Breaker, written and originally recorded by Zach Williams, is particularly special to me...

One day back in August, I had to sit in on some local court cases.  Our courthouse is a beautiful old building with worn hardwood floors and creaky stairs. The main courtroom is on the upper level. In fact, it is the upper level. It is one room with raised wooden benches that have backs that are just a little too straight.  I entered this courtroom and sat towards the back. Within minutes, one of our two local judges came out and the cases began.  He quickly went through the first few cases and then the side door opened. In came a prisoner with literal chains around his wrists and ankles. He was a young guy, with buzzed blond hair and an orange jump suit.  Judge W. had obviously dealt with him before, and he was kindly encouraging him to try a certain drug that the psychiatrist prescribed, saying that perhaps it would help him feel better. After a brief nod of agreement, Judge W. dismissed him, telling him that he was looking forward to seeing him in a month. As this young man left, two other prisoners shuffled in, one after the other, both bound with chains. I sat there watching these people and felt such a heaviness.  What had happened in their lives to get them to the place where they were literally chained, with their only chance of seeing something other than those prison walls was to go to a courthouse, and then right back again to their cement rooms?  As the cases came to a close, I walked back down to my car and started the drive home.  I could not shake the sight of those chains or the way they sounded as they drug on that old floor.  Suddenly the words, words of life, started drifting from my speakers:

If you need freedom or saving
He's a prison shaking Savior
If you've got chains
He's a chain breaker

I knew then, without a doubt, that our God was telling me through that song that He was well aware of each one of their cases, and that it didn't matter how hopeless it looked because He is more than able to break those chains and set them free... because He is the chain breaker.

~Where words fail, music speaks~

Until next time,
Mizz Babs

Friday, April 7, 2017

Tid bits

Just a quick post regarding some new news!

For starters, Ben Speer passed away earlier this morning... He'd been suffering from Alzheimer's for the past couple of years or so. He was quite the legacy in the world of gospel music!

There are big changes in the Gaither Vocal Band! Long time member David Phelps has decided it's time to branch out on his own, given the demand on his solo concerts, Barn Bashes, and a few other things.  Reggie Smith, of the Reggie and Ladye Love duo, has been summoned to step up. 

Sonya Isaacs had a little girl on March 31st! Her name is Evya Marcella Yeary. I bet there are already music notes floating around in that little head of hers! :)

David has released a new CD, Hymnal. Can't wait to hear it!

The Gaithers released two new DVDs and am I enjoying them!  The song The Secret is probably one of my favs...

The Gaithers will be in Fresno tomorrow night, for those in Cali who are interested!

That's it for now! Please excuse any typos... I'm rushing this one because I'm rushing out the door!

Love to all,

Mizz Babs

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Concerts, CDs & Cuteness!

I knew it'd been some time since the last post... but almost a year?! You don't say! A bit uncalled for, I admit, but I do have exciting news to help make up for it. :)  Let's proceed!

The GVB just released a new CD!  I've seen a few behind-the-scenes videos (LOVE those!) and heard a few clips, but not enough to really form an opinion on the overall project. From what they say, however, it's composed of both old and new material. You won't hear this girl complaining!  Anyways, this project was just released a few days ago. Looking forward to hearing it! 

On September 2nd, The Isaacs come out with their new CD. They never disappoint. Ever.  I can't wait to get my hands on that masterpiece!

Annnnd as I was *ahem* snooping around this morning, I saw an announcement that the Gaither Homecoming Friends are getting together this coming Tuesday for a taping of a new DVD series! It's high time! Looking forward to seeing those results.  Hoping for a good line up of singers and songs! :)

In other news... This past spring, my mom treated me to a little trip down south to see David Phelps in concert.  With him were Jack Daniels (Seriously! That man is like a one man band!) and his guitarist. That concert was one of the best I've ever been to, hands down.  We got great seats and enjoyed every single second of it. Judging by the reactions of the audience, I have a feeling we weren't the only ones! He did a fair amount off of his newest project, Freedom, including one of my favorite pieces, Heaven's Shore. Just wow. It was a definite hold-on-to-your-seat moment! Another highlight was when he played the piano and sang You Are My All In All.  
Towards the end of the concert he sang Mary Did You Know, accompanied by the guitarist only. Now, while I confess that I'm a little burned out on that song, I have to admit that it took on a new meaning that night.  While David was singing, his guitarist got anointed. I mean, to the point where my mom and I thought he was going to fall over!  It's a wonder he didn't! He would lean so far back, and then so far forward, it almost didn't seem possible!  It is a very special, memorable moment.  

In March, Katie Sayles wound her way up the mountain side to our house for a week-end visit. Shortly after her arrival, we hopped in the car and headed back down to the valley for yet another concert! 
I'd come across a group of siblings who call themselves Southern Raised Band, and would check in on them from time to time to see what else they'd recorded. It just so happened that they were planning on performing in Modesto at the same time Katie was here, so off we went! If they are ever in your area, I highly recommend seeing them!  Between their wonderful spirit, their 'stringed instruments' skills, and good ol' family harmony... whew!  Something to behold, for sure.

And now for the 'cuteness' part.... Introducing: Albert Babcock!  Boy, is he a love! He's all personality and in the process of learning boundaries. :)  He has figured out what buttons to push to annoy his brother and sister, and so that he does with a smile on his face. He'll walk up to Piggy who is lying in 'her' recliner, flop a paw right next to her and then just stare at her.  She goes bonkers and latches onto his lip and pulls it like elastic.  Entertaining?  That's an understatement! :)  But in all seriousness, this little (well, getting bigger daily!) guy is a testimony to what prayer can do! What started as a hernia repair procedure ended in an emergency surgery because of an infection that had spread up into his abdominal region. He then had to be kept sedated for the next several days because the site was very fragile due to how much they had to cut away.  At the same time, they noticed swelling and pain in his front, left shoulder. The vet and orthopedic specialist were quite sure it was OCD, a condition that large breed puppies get. (Let's just say that it is not a good thing. We know someone who had to put their puppy down because of it.) They did x-rays and saw the typical spots on his bones. However, all along there were several people praying for him and every time I went into 'panic mode', I'd remember the prayers going out. The day after receiving the OCD news, the vet called and said they ran x-rays again. Not only was he no longer limping or in pain, but there were NO SPOTS anywhere on the x-rays!  I can't tell you what that did for Jonathan and I! So, a tremendous amount of thanks to all for the prayers over our Albert! 

Well, I think that's it for this round... Oh, and happy fall, y'all! :)

Until next time,
Mizz Babs

Monday, September 28, 2015

Did you ever go sailin'...

Well, my parents did and I have the scoop right here and right now... with pictures to boot!  :)

As most of you know, my dad and mom set sail for Alaska with the Gaithers at the beginning of August, which happened to depart on the exact date of their 40th anniversary!  Can anyone say meant to be?! Oh, it sure was!  For seven glorious days they sailed and sang with the Gaither gang and what a time they had!  I could feel them 'floating' (ahem) through the text messages and emails I received and felt as though I was kind-of there... I could go on and on BUT we have fun stories and moving memories to cover, so let's begin!

To give a little background on this particular post, my mom and I decided that the best way to put it together would be for the both of us to try and conjure something up that would give everyone a peek into their world that week.  At first she was just going to jot down a few memories for me to incorporate throughout the pictures, but once she started... Well, let's just say that rhymes with a touch of  'quip' started to appear. I was thrilled! I think you will be, too. :)  Here we go! 


Memoirs From a Trip on a Ship

News About Our Cruise!


   JoAnne was a little apprehensive about sailing the ocean blue for a week, and possibly becoming a permanent part of it, but the night before she left she randomly picked a chapter in Psalms to read. Therein was the following verse:

Psalm 65:5 King James Version (KJV)

By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea:

Now she knew she could brave any wave!

(Well, she had to remind herself of Who really was controllin'
 the ship that was a rockin' and a rollin'!)
The Amsterdam was an enormous boat
Like a city afloat!
The cruise was:
Red and gold décor
On wall and floor
Fine art and swaying chandeliers
Luxury spread over many tiers

A curving staircase by the wall
And in every room; in every hall
English with a southern drawl
(Y'all!!)    :)

Narrow corridors, broad promenades
And getting lost with every turn I made!

The astrolabe was stunning, babe!!
The centerpiece of the Ms Amsterdam Atrium is its magnificent and stunning astrolabe, an ancient celestial clock with four faces: the astrolabe itself, a planetarium, the world time, and an astrological clock.

   The ship held people of all ages and stages, but of particular note were the large number of those whose years of youth and strength were behind them. Their love for Lord shone on their wrinkled faces, and it seemed that nothing stood between them and having a wonderful time on a wonder filled journey to Alaska. I watched some of those elderly ladies and thought about the Christian life that they had led, the works they might have done, the crown they might receive.

They came
With walkers, canes, and wheels

 Halting, lame
They might not be sporting heels,
   But just the same...
From their aged faces shines
 If you read between the 'lines'
A seasoned beauty

Youth can never claim

Comical memories:

   During one song, David Phelps went to step forward, the ship lurched, and he stumbled into Bill Gaither. He continued laughing through parts of the song!

   Oz and JoAnne went to the very top of the ship; they were the only ones up there. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery. When they turned to leave, Ben Isaacs and his wife appeared, and started walking towards them. Ben spoke a greeting to Oz;  just then a gust of wind swooped down, and JoAnne's skirt shot straight up in the air. Man overboard.
   JoAnne was alone in an elevator when the door opened and Ben Isaacs and Matthew the pianist entered. If only she'd had a gun, she would have pulled it out and said: "Hand over the talents and nobody will get hurt!!!!"
   Oz and JoAnne joked that a ghostly old captain shared their room because the bathroom door opened by itself several times!! It really did!! JoAnne did not find this as amusing as Oz did. It was creepy!!! Oz seemed to consider the "haunting roommate" the highlight of his trip!

Other memories:

Sitting in the library or on the deck and watching the seas
go by with the breeze.

Delectable food served in the cafeteria and in the formal dining hall. (What fun to look up to the floor above us and see Reggie and Ladye Love Smith chatting and dining together!)
   Looking forward to dinner each night because of the fellowship we had with those assigned to our table: Rick and Patricia from Florida, William and Sherrill from Indiana, and Shelby and Lola from Kentucky. Lola turned out to be a pistol packin' mama who regaled us nightly with stories of people who dared to cross her, and how she set them straight!  One poor soul on "the list" was a boss who tried to fire her. She told him to return to his office and not to emerge until he had learned how to treat women on the work force. She went back to work, and continued working there for another year while the boss tiptoed sheepishly around her!! Her husband is a big, friendly, easy going kind of  guy who smiles from ear to ear and shakes with laughter during her accounts!
William and Sherrill, Indiana
 Rick and Patricia, Florida
 Shelby and Lola, Kentucky
   I met a lady who is from Alberta, Canada, who knew all about the small town, Castor, where my mother grew up, and the surrounding area as well. I don't meet too many people who do!
   We visited Juneau, Alaska, as well as Ketchikan, Alaska. The cool air and coastal feeling reminded us a little of Oakland.
    We walked and explored in both of these cities. Going into an old church in Juneau, we signed our names in the guest book. JoAnne did not notice that the founding clergyman was buried in the front yard until they came back out. Yep, there he was.
(A deceased priest!!)
In Ketchikan, we walked along part of the Ketchikan river, observing salmon living and dead; mostly dead. Ugh.
(Spawn, then you're gone!)
   My favorite part of the trip, hands down, was the concerts. What bliss to be able to drink from that fountain twice a day! The morning concerts were a little less formal, and featured a handful of artists each time. Well, maybe two handfuls.
   One of these concerts was particularly moving, and is a very warm memory. Lily Isaacs spoke of when her mother was in the concentration camp, Auchwitz, as a young woman, and how her childhood friend saved her life by pulling her out of one line and into another. The guard watching them was silent when the friend told him in no uncertain terms that Lily's mother was going to be in a different line. The fact that he allowed it was a miracle in itself.  It turned out that all the women in the line Lily's mother had been in originally went to the gas chamber.
   I have never seen Lily so emotional. Her daughters cried, too, as did many in the audience. In the same concert, Judy Martin shared about her struggle with depression, which has plagued her from her youth, and her sister, Joyce, shared about a time in her life when she backslid into the world. She shared about God's redeeming hand, and afterward she and her siblings sang a song about grace. This was also an emotional time, and I noticed Wes Pritchard, who was conducting the concert, wiping away tears throughout Joyce's testimony and their song.
   Russ Taff and Gene MacDonald also shared some of the difficulties they've encountered through their lives, and told how they must they fight to overcome.
   There was a lovely spirit present, as Sonya Issacs noted, saying: "There is nothing like the Spirit of the Lord..."  It was truly interesting and somewhat surprising to see into the lives of these artists at a close range. They made the point that they, like all of us, pass through trials and have their ups and downs.
   The concerts at night were more than exciting, featuring the Vocal Band, Angie Primm, The Issacs, The Martins, Charlotte Ritchie and Buddy Greene, among many others.  David Phelps sang a couple of solos. Yay!
   Those times spent listening to these musicians were not just 'listening to musicians', they were visits to another world. The music that flowed from the stage into the audience was a means by which one could go places one has never gone before. The songs made us laugh, cry, do both at the same time, and served as a balm to our souls. They invited us to focus on things that are important and to lay aside things that are not. 
 The scenery was awesome!
A crystal world; an icy scene
Like pages from a magazine
Where glaciers loom and seals float.
And turquoise flows beneath the boat
Silver sheets of sleet and hail
The forceful spouting of a whale
Swirling fog across the strand
A summer's kind of winter land

   There was one family aboard the ship that really caught our eye; with a special focus on the dad. We chanced to sit near them several times in the cafeteria, and found them quite intriguing. He and his wife were in their mid to late forties, obviously from another country, with two daughters in their late teens or early 20s. They didn't overly look like a Christian family, for reasons I will not go into here. The dad was kind of a handsome guy with a dark pony tail pulled back tightly. Their conversations at the table were often quite animated, and unfortunately in a different language so nosey JoAnne couldn't understand them. I did happen to run into one of the daughters in the ladies room one time and nailed her down as to what language it was! "Swiss German" was the answer.
   I have to admit that early on I thought the dad seemed a bit arrogant, and gave him the nickname : "Hot Shot".
   Early on, we noticed Hot Shot, his wife, and their daughters were in the very front row,  right in front of the middle of the stage during a concert. He seemed to know all the words to the songs, and was singing along with  gusto. The next concert we attended, there they were again, in the front row, with Hot Shot singing along with the Vocal Band. What was this guy doing, anyway; trying to get an audition with Bill Gaither?
   There is a system while attending the concerts to make the seating arrangements fair.  Everyone is given a tag with one of two colors, and one has priority seating on a rotating basis, depending on what color tag one has. Oz noted that it didn't matter what color tag Hot Shot and his family had, they would 'thunder down the aisle' every time and get right in front of the stage; the best seating in the house! And so it went, concert after concert. Our booth was positioned so we could study Hot Shot and his family as well as the performing artists, so we spent a fair amount of time watching him during the songs! He sang, he laughed, he clapped, he raised his hands in worship and at times put his fists in the air. He seemed to hang on every word spoken from the stage, his face radiant.
   He was 'into' the Gaithers like nobody we'd ever seen, I mean, this guy was DEVOTED.  His fervor seemed unparalleled.
   As days passed, he began to grow on us, instead of looking at him snidely, we started enjoying seeing him and his family during meals. I mean, we had to hand it to him, maybe on a silver platter.  (Cruise appropriate!)  He fairly lit up the front row during every concert, his enthusiasm was contagious, and it kind of washed over us and drew us along.
   After the final concert, we remained seated for a few minutes as people filed past. When Hot Shot came by, he turned and looked right us, his face lighting up in a huge smile. There was no getting around it.

       Hot Shot
       Won a soft spot
                                 In our hearts.                        

   The cruise was a relaxing time of fun, laughter, beauty, melodious harmony (minus a couple of 'episodes'...), and fellowship.  It was a time of pulling away from the rat race pace we face in our everyday lives.
   It was a celebration of forty years together;
a drop in the ocean! :)


   For two days after arriving home, JoAnne could feel the gentle rocking of the ship!!
Was she off her rocker.....?

Until next time,
Mizz Babs