Monday, April 28, 2014


Where to begin?? Perhaps I can start by saying that I really hope it will not be another four years before the Homecoming crew rolls through town! There was a rather good turn out at the venue where the concert was held, so I am hoping they took good notice of the loyal fans they have in California! 

The concert was held at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, CA, with the doors opening at 5 and the concert beginning at 6.  As can be expected, Kevin Williams got the crowd warmed up before the start of the show by playing the guitar and doing his usual light banter.  After a few minutes, Bill Gaither came on stage, said a few welcoming words, then started bringing the artists up one at a time: Charlotte Ritchie, The Martins, Angie Primm, Gene McDonald, and The Isaacs. Here are some shots of them performing.  (The photos with a grainy texture are 'screen shots'.) Remember, if you click on the first photo, it will enlarge and you will be able to click through and view the other photos, as well!

Charlotte Ritchie

The Martins

The Martins backing Angie Primm

Gene McDonald

The Isaacs with Bill Gaither

Now, I love The Isaacs~ they are hands down at the very top of my list.  However, I have to say that in my personal opinion, I didn't feel they sang some of their better songs that night... But, they are phenomenal and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them again. 

After the artists performed a few songs each, the stage cleared, the lights dimmed, and the introduction to Alpha and Omega filled the venue.  Gaither Vocal Band time!  

Will it ever get old seeing these people perform live?!  I think not.  It's so incredible to see the artists actually standing directly in front of you... As in, right there.  It's really something. 

They sang a series of songs, some of which were older and some new.  There were also old classics with a new twist, including The Old Rugged Cross, which they recorded on the newest GVB CD, Hymns.  Beautifully done!

                 Left to right: David Phelps, Wes Hampton, 
                    Adam Crabb, Todd Suttles, Bill Gaither

This was the first time I've heard Adam and Todd live with the GVB.  I have several of the Crabb albums and am familiar with Adam's singing, but I must say that I was quite surprised at how much Adam's vocals and delivery reminded me of Jason's (his brother)!  Perhaps it is because Adam is no longer in his brother's 'shadow' that he is therefore able to really come into his own.  

I am also impressed with how well he fits in with the rest of the group.  When I first heard of him joining the GVB, I was a bit surprised.  But being able to actually hear and see him perform with them in person, I can see his potential in possibly becoming one of the 'seasoned' members. 

Todd seems like a very friendly guy who is certainly 'game'.  He had a couple of humorous moments, so it'll be interesting to watch and see how (if?) that side unfolds.  He has a nice voice and, boy, can he go low!  He never really had any 'soaring' moments while singing, but perhaps that was for a variety of reasons.  At any rate, both he and Adam seem like troupers and I really hope that they have been warmly welcomed by audiences everywhere!

~*~ Intermission~*~

After intermission, all of the artists came onto the stage and sat around in chairs.  Bill brought Gene McDonald up to help him do Heaven's Joy Awaits, and then gradually added the different parts by calling up various singers.  

Yes, that is a white cord tangled up around Bill's ear. Don't ask. :)  If I remember correctly, he started talking about technology and how everybody has things connected to them in one way or another, then proceeded to pull out this cord and put it on.  I don't know why, but that whole scene made me giddy.  I think part of it was that he was going about business as usual with this 'thing' hanging from his ear!  It was well done and lots of fun. :)

As the evening wore on, Bill would motion for different artists to take the stage. 

For me, one of the highlights of the second half was when the GVB sang That Sounds Like Home To Me.  There's just something about that song...  They did a nice job, and David certainly did the last chorus a considerable amount of justice. Wowzer!

As I mentioned before, the artists all took turns performing during the second half.  It was neat because while the first half was a little more structured, the second half was a touch more impromptu and, well, it just worked.  

At the end of the concert, all of the artists lined up and sang together, with a few solos thrown in here and there.

A beautiful ending to an incredible night!  

By the way, if any of the others who attended this concert have anything else they'd like to add, please send an e-mail and I'll gladly post it!! :)

Until next time...
Mizz Babs

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