Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What have we here???

We have a recap of the Gaither cruise that Uncle Dale and Aunt RoseAnn took a few weeks back!  The only thing better than going on the actual cruise is to hear about it first hand.  So, thanks to Aunt RoseAnn taking the time to give us the scoop, that is just what we are going to do!  And as an added bonus, she also included pictures.  :)

We had a wonderful time on the cruise. The ship is absolutely beautiful! It is filled with a multimillion-dollar art and antiques collection. Fresh flowers are everywhere. Even the casual Lido restaurant had orchids on every table. The food was delicious and was presented beautifully. In the La Fontaine Dining Room Rosenthal china lies on crisp white table linens and uniformed waiters place your napkins on your lap. On the two formal nights everyone dresses up and it is very elegant. No matter where you go or who you speak with, you are greeted with smiles and people go out of their way to serve you.
One time that stands out to me is when we were sailing up the Endicott Arm Fjord. A lot of us had traversed the bowels of the ship to stand on the forward deck at the bow to get a first glimpse of the glacier. It was chilly and everyone was wrapped up trying to stay warm. I couldn't believe it when uniformed staff brought out silver trays full of bowls of hot Dutch pea soup and served all of us bundled-up, glacier-gazing travelers out there on the extremity of the ship!
On one of the last nights they had a Chocolate Extravaganza Buffet. They said it took the chefs three days to prepare everything! It was served on the Lido deck and was gigantic! Chocolate heaven!!
But, of course, the highlight of the trip was the TWO concerts a day and rubbing shoulders with many of the people you had listened to and watched on DVDs and from a distance at performances! It was much more personal than one of their regular concerts since the venue is smaller and everyone got priority seating two times, which allowed you to sit right up in front.
Kevin Williams would often get things going, sometimes just playing his guitar and getting everyone to sing along unless Bill Gaither happened to be on time (things are very relaxed!) As some were singing Bill would turn around to some of the others and suggest a song for them to sing next. He said he tried to get a feel for the crowd and then choose accordingly. At one concert he ask for suggestions from the audience.
A lot of them brought their families with them and at one point Gloria was sitting onstage with her grandson asleep on her shoulder. The last night for the final song everyone sang "Because He Lives" and all the children came onstage to stand with their parent(s) and I counted 14 children from a baby to around 15 years old.
We met Gene MacDonald, his wife and son in Ketchikan and then later he and Dale visited while they watched all the activity going on in the harbor.
We were able to visit with Jonathan Martin, his wife and Judy in Skagway. They are so friendly and down to earth! When I apologized for interrupting them to get a picture Judy pointed to her sister-in law and said, "She and I - we love people!" Jonathan was just as friendly and had his wife take several pictures of all of us together and then they visited with us until I insisted we let them get on with their shopping.
Matthew Holt is the new pianist and he was a real crowd pleaser! He teaches at a university and seems quiet and maybe a little shy when you talk to him.
Angela Primm was delightful! Wherever she goes the air just seems to sparkle around her. I met her in the Gaither Bookstore and she gave me a hug and was telling us about her mother who is in her 90's (she looks so young I couldn't believe she is in her early 50s). I loved it when she sang "Precious Lord Take My Hand" with Ben Isaacs. Bill said she has added so much joy since she started singing with them. Dale and I rode down the elevator with she and her husband at disembarkation and she was telling me how exhausted she was. And it's no wonder, she puts everything she's got into her singing.
So many things come to mind...
One of the highlights was David Phelps singing with his daughter, Maggie Beth. She has a wonderful voice and they blended together beautifully. Some favorites by the Gaither Vocal Band were "I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy" and "Worthy the Lamb That Was Slain" and "There Is A River". On a special Country Music night Wes, Reggie, Ben and Gene singing "When the Desert Sun Goes Down" with one old style microphone like the Sons of the Pioneers did. We really liked Mark Lowery, Becky Isaacs and Charlotte Ritchie's rendition of "I Call Him Lord". The Isaacs sang "Hallelujah" in Hebrew and English - so beautiful! "Over and Over, Again and Again God Is Faithful" by the Easters was wonderful, too. One time Bill had everyone, including the audience, sing "Fill My Cup, Lord" and he stood there with his hand in the air and tears running down his face. There were many both in the audience and on stage who were wiping tears away.
We'd love to go again someday. We left home not really knowing what to expect or if this "cruise thing" was for us. We returned with wonderful memories of a beautiful unspoiled land and the melodies we heard ringing in our hearts. 

Here are some of the pictures that were taken while on the cruise.  
Remember: to view the pictures in a larger format, simply 'click' on the pictures. (Wait! I stand corrected.  After posting the blog, I tried to click on the photos, but to no avail.  Hmm.  I'll have to see if something can be done about that...)

The Isaacs

The Martins 

Jeff & Sheri Easter w/ their daughter, Morgan.

The Nelons

Kevin Williams


Gene MacDonald

Angela Primm & Judy Martin

Kelly and Amber Nelon w/ Judy Martin

Charlotte Ritchie, Mark Lowry and Wes Hampton

The Gaither Vocal Band

Wes Hampton

David Phelps & Michael English

Mark Lowry & Wes Hampton

David Phelps w/ his daughter, Maggie Beth. By the way, here is a short clip of this duet that's been posted on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sAvRr2xaj8 

Some of the gang...

So, there you have it.  I am so pleased that Aunt RoseAnn set aside some time to write this!  It's such a treat. :)

Until next time...
Mizz Babs

1 comment:

  1. This makes me want to go all over again. The music, the atmoshere, the food... It is an unparalleled week of pampering and will spoil you forever. I highly recommend it.
