Friday, June 1, 2012

Movin' On...

Good evening all!
This is a very short post, but I just read something that I thought you'd be most interested to know!  Are you ready???  Gordon Mote is leaving the Gaither group and moving on to do a solo career.  He will be missed!  I, for one, really enjoyed not only his phenomenal playing, but also his singing.  If you have never heard him sing "If They Could See You Through My Eyes", I highly suggest you listen to it.  He dedicated it to his wife, Kimberly.  Absolutely beautiful.

Anyways, best wishes to him and his family!
Until next time...

Mizz Babs


  1. OK this is my third attempt to comment! I'll get this blog thing figured out yet!
    Gordon Mote sang "...through my eyes" as one of his specials on last summers cruise. It was very moving. We didn't actually get to talk to either him or his wife on that cruise but they both seemed very approachable.
    I'm sure he will do well out from under the Gaither "umbrella".

  2. We met the new pianist on our cruise last week and really liked him. He is very talented and sure made a hit with everyone at the concerts. He is a teacher and rather young and seems a bit shy or maybe just not used to all the attention. Bill Gaither was commenting on all that they had thrown at him (lots of songs he didn't know) and how well he had done. I think you will like him. He is a fantastic pianist!
