Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Concerts, CDs & Cuteness!

I knew it'd been some time since the last post... but almost a year?! You don't say! A bit uncalled for, I admit, but I do have exciting news to help make up for it. :)  Let's proceed!

The GVB just released a new CD!  I've seen a few behind-the-scenes videos (LOVE those!) and heard a few clips, but not enough to really form an opinion on the overall project. From what they say, however, it's composed of both old and new material. You won't hear this girl complaining!  Anyways, this project was just released a few days ago. Looking forward to hearing it! 

On September 2nd, The Isaacs come out with their new CD. They never disappoint. Ever.  I can't wait to get my hands on that masterpiece!

Annnnd as I was *ahem* snooping around this morning, I saw an announcement that the Gaither Homecoming Friends are getting together this coming Tuesday for a taping of a new DVD series! It's high time! Looking forward to seeing those results.  Hoping for a good line up of singers and songs! :)

In other news... This past spring, my mom treated me to a little trip down south to see David Phelps in concert.  With him were Jack Daniels (Seriously! That man is like a one man band!) and his guitarist. That concert was one of the best I've ever been to, hands down.  We got great seats and enjoyed every single second of it. Judging by the reactions of the audience, I have a feeling we weren't the only ones! He did a fair amount off of his newest project, Freedom, including one of my favorite pieces, Heaven's Shore. Just wow. It was a definite hold-on-to-your-seat moment! Another highlight was when he played the piano and sang You Are My All In All.  
Towards the end of the concert he sang Mary Did You Know, accompanied by the guitarist only. Now, while I confess that I'm a little burned out on that song, I have to admit that it took on a new meaning that night.  While David was singing, his guitarist got anointed. I mean, to the point where my mom and I thought he was going to fall over!  It's a wonder he didn't! He would lean so far back, and then so far forward, it almost didn't seem possible!  It is a very special, memorable moment.  

In March, Katie Sayles wound her way up the mountain side to our house for a week-end visit. Shortly after her arrival, we hopped in the car and headed back down to the valley for yet another concert! 
I'd come across a group of siblings who call themselves Southern Raised Band, and would check in on them from time to time to see what else they'd recorded. It just so happened that they were planning on performing in Modesto at the same time Katie was here, so off we went! If they are ever in your area, I highly recommend seeing them!  Between their wonderful spirit, their 'stringed instruments' skills, and good ol' family harmony... whew!  Something to behold, for sure.

And now for the 'cuteness' part.... Introducing: Albert Babcock!  Boy, is he a love! He's all personality and in the process of learning boundaries. :)  He has figured out what buttons to push to annoy his brother and sister, and so that he does with a smile on his face. He'll walk up to Piggy who is lying in 'her' recliner, flop a paw right next to her and then just stare at her.  She goes bonkers and latches onto his lip and pulls it like elastic.  Entertaining?  That's an understatement! :)  But in all seriousness, this little (well, getting bigger daily!) guy is a testimony to what prayer can do! What started as a hernia repair procedure ended in an emergency surgery because of an infection that had spread up into his abdominal region. He then had to be kept sedated for the next several days because the site was very fragile due to how much they had to cut away.  At the same time, they noticed swelling and pain in his front, left shoulder. The vet and orthopedic specialist were quite sure it was OCD, a condition that large breed puppies get. (Let's just say that it is not a good thing. We know someone who had to put their puppy down because of it.) They did x-rays and saw the typical spots on his bones. However, all along there were several people praying for him and every time I went into 'panic mode', I'd remember the prayers going out. The day after receiving the OCD news, the vet called and said they ran x-rays again. Not only was he no longer limping or in pain, but there were NO SPOTS anywhere on the x-rays!  I can't tell you what that did for Jonathan and I! So, a tremendous amount of thanks to all for the prayers over our Albert! 

Well, I think that's it for this round... Oh, and happy fall, y'all! :)

Until next time,
Mizz Babs